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541 Melville Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94301,
[email protected]
Ph: +1.831.705.5448

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[email protected]
Ph: +1.831.306.6725

Be Proactive with Your
Staff’s Wellness

Prevention is always better than cure.

We always believe in self care over sick care

Companies often approach us with the same problem about their employees having chronic illness and has been at the cost of the company. They have always been doing something for maintenance and illness management rather than prevention.


We help companies promote wellness to make sure that employees are aware of their health and take steps towards being healthy than seeking for cure when you already have an illness. In reality, 20% of employees with complex and chronic diseases is 80% of a company’s total medical cost – make an investment with better returns!

Self Care over
Sick Care

The Best Care is Self Care

Why pay more on medical costs when you can avoid them? Enjoy a better life by reducing the imbalance between sick care and self care – a cause that we always support!

Broaden Wellness Partner Programmes

Take advantage of our wider scope of healthcare plan that promotes self care for working individuals. Weight management, mental healthcare, stress management and smoking cessation campaigns are some of our many wellness programmes!

Enjoy a Healthy and Balanced Work-Life

Be active in wellness campaigns and activities to be able to manage stress and anxiety which is unavoidable in your work environment. Take time to have yourself checked regularly to make sure that you are at your prime state!

When it comes to corporate wellness, PMCare is the forefront of change and innovation. They've challenged the status quo to serve the needs of every individual employees, again and again.

Sherry Someh

Founder / Director Health Junction

PMCare brings the best medical treatment to our employees and provides consultancy on our company's healthcare. Their 25 years of experience shows in their excellent service!

Encik Azahar Bin Ab Rahim

Senior Manager, Human Resource Malaysia Airports

PMCare provides assistance that lessens the HR work. Previously, there
were 13 staff that handled medical administration for our company.
Now, there is only 1!

Nizar Bin Zaini

Vice President Compensation & Benefits, Human Capital Pos Malaysia

Thanks to e-Farma by PMCare, I can request my medication anytime and have them delivered to my doorstep! This ensures there is no loss of productivity, whilst drugs prices are controlled.

Datuk Bazlan Osman

Independent Director

By the numbers




We are the pioneer of wellness organiser, with over 28 years of experience providing wellness programmes and health talks. Many have benefited from us – Next could be you!

More than


Wellness Partners

With our wide network of wellness partners, we offer wellness programmes and self care services that are unique to your needs!

More than



With more than 150 wellness programmes organised annually, our accumulated participants are above 50,000 – a number that shows how good our programmes are!

You Can Book

You Can Book

Get a Quote

To get a quote for your employee’s medical benefits plan, please complete the form below:

Note: PMCare minimum headcount coverage is 20 members per company.

Note: If dependents are not covered, please input nil

Let's Partner Up!

We are keen to work with like-minded teams from the healthcare and medical industry. If you are a medical provider, health start-up or any healthcare and wellness related business, let’s work together!

Let's Partner Up!

We are keen to work with like-minded teams from the healthcare and medical industry. If you are a medical provider, health start-up or any healthcare and wellness related business, let’s work together!

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Get a Quote

To get a quote for your employee’s medical benefits plan, please complete the form below:

Note: PMCare minimum headcount coverage is 20 members per company.

Note: If dependents are not covered, please input nil