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World No Tobacco Day 2024

World No Tobacco Day 2024


The morbidity and mortality related to smoking is a major public health challenge worldwide, where approximately 3 million deaths are reported each year, and 10 million mortalities from smoking-related diseases are expected globally by 2030. About 70% of these mortalities are expected in developing countries due to the high prevalence of smoking. Malaysia experienced 10,000 deaths attributed to smoking each year and smoking-related diseases have been identified as the major contributor to disability-adjusted life years and lost years of life among the Malaysian population. If the current trend in smoking persists, then 30,000 deaths are expected annually by the year 2024.


Study confirms that brain volume atrophy appears to be more serious in smokers with higher levels of cigarette consumption even in smokers with moderate nicotine dependence.


World No Tobacco Day: A Global Health Campaign



World No Tobacco Day was created by WHO (World Health Organisation) Member States in 1987 and is commemorated every 31 May with the aim of raising awareness about the harmful effects of tobacco use and exposure to tobacco smoke. The day serves as a clarion call to raise awareness about the harmful effects of tobacco, which remains a leading cause of preventable death globally.


Tobacco: A Threat to Us All


Tobacco use is a major public health threat. Smoking and other forms of tobacco consumption cause more than 8 million deaths each year. One might argue that it is a matter of individual choice and hence his/her own consequences. Unfortunately, among these, around 1.2 million are non-smokers exposed to second-hand smoke. Furthermore, tobacco not only affects the health of individuals but also imposes a significant economic burden, costing governments billions of dollars in healthcare expenditures and lost productivity.


The Focus of WNTD Campaigns


Each year, WNTD (World No Tobacco Day) focuses on a specific theme to address various aspects of tobacco control. Past themes have included “Tobacco: a threat to development,” “Get ready for plain packaging,” and “Tobacco and lung health,” among others. The themes are chosen to highlight the diverse ways in which tobacco endangers the well-being of populations and to promote a tobacco-free world.


WNTD 2024: Protecting Youth from Industry Tactics


The theme for WNTD 2024 is “Protecting children from tobacco industry interference.” This theme underscores the urgent need to shield young people from the aggressive marketing tactics employed by the tobacco industry.


Why do we need to protect our children?


The National Health and Morbidity Study 2015 revealed that almost a quarter of adults (22.5%, to be exact) of Malaysian adults were current smokers, which is comparable to that reported in Vietnam (23.8%) and Thailand (23.7%), but much higher than our neighbors down south, Singapore (16%) and Australia (12.8%). Various studies have shown that smoking behavior is learned and begins during adolescence. A similar phenomenon has been reported in Malaysia, where over 80% of adult smokers began smoking before the age of 21 years.


From 2011 to 2015, there was an increase of 2.3% in the proportion of current smokers among adolescents aged 15-24 years. This phenomenon is certainly alarming as it indicates that the younger and more susceptible generations are initiating smoking. Another study suggested that these youths are most likely influenced by smoking adults or peers around them or by the relentless promotion activities by tobacco companies, which are now mainly aimed at the adolescent market. Evidently, we need to act early to prevent a further rise in smoking in adulthood.


At this point, we need to be mindful of the hazard posed by another related nemesis, vaping. The e-liquid typically contains humectants and flavorings, with or without nicotine; once vapourised by the atomizer, the aerosol (vapor) provides a sensation similar to tobacco smoking, but purportedly without harmful effects. However, it has been reported that the heating process can lead to the generation of new decomposition compounds that may be hazardous. The levels of nicotine, which is the key addictive component of tobacco, can also vary between the commercially available e-liquids. We are awaiting more results on studies on vaping.


The Role of Governments and Civil Society


To address the burden of health problems related to smoking, the Malaysian government, through the Ministry of Health and other ministries, has introduced numerous anti-smoking measures, which include:


  1. Increasing the cost of tobacco products by restructuring taxes in the year 2015,
  2. Increasing the number of smoke-free public areas,
  3. Enhancing community health interventions, and even through a legal framework, a game-changing Control of Tobacco Product and Smoking Bill 2022 (which unfortunately had to be withdrawn).



These measures aimed to reduce the prevalence of smoking among Malaysian adults to 15% by the year 2025, and ultimately, the burden of diseases related to smoking among the Malaysian population.


On WNTD, civil society organizations play a crucial role in educating the public about the dangers of tobacco and advocating for policy changes. Employers need to be more involved in educating their employees on the hazard of tobacco, embrace smoking cessation programs and consider facilitating/rewarding employees in their respective journeys in healthy lifestyles which include leading tobacco-free lives.




World No Tobacco Day is more than just a day of observance; it is a movement for change. It calls for global action to combat the tobacco epidemic and to promote health and well-being for all. As we approach WNTD 2024, let us reaffirm our commitment to a world free of tobacco and its devastating effects.


This essay provides an overview of World No Tobacco Day, emphasizing its importance and impact. It serves as a reminder of the ongoing struggle against tobacco use and the collective efforts needed to overcome this global health challenge. Remember, every word and action counts in the fight for a healthier, tobacco-free world.

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