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PAST WEBINAR – Session with IMU Healthcare: “Argh…Back to Office…!”

Session with IMU Healthcare: “Argh…Back to Office…!”

Preparing Mentally for Post-MCO Return to Workplace.


Date : 10th June 2020

Time : 2.30pm – 3.30pm


Dread returning to office after working from home (WFH)? Feeling anxious about what to expect when back in office post-MCO? Getting stressed about the thought of having to fight traffic again?


While it seems like an eternity since we’ve consumed the office coffee, or was in the same room with our colleagues, it’s only been a few months (maybe shorter, maybe longer). For those who have been WFH, your workday routine has been different than it was when you had to commute into your job. Returning to that routine could be a significant shock to your physical and mental state.


Join PMCare and Ms Puvessha Jegathisan, Clinical Psychologist, IMU Healthcare Medical Clinic as we share tips on preparing mentally to return to work.



Speaker’s Profile


Puvessha Jegathisan obtained her Masters of Psychology (Clinical) from Curtin University, Australia. A registered psychologist with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency and the Malaysian Society of Clinical Psychology, she is a practicing Clinical Psychologist who is passionate about working with the community.


She has vast experience both in Malaysia and Australia in managing psychological conditions using evidenced-based interventions within clinical setting, correctional department and community. She was also actively involved in improving the mental health of refugees and asylum seekers in Malaysia.


She believes that mental health conditions can be managed and that people with mental illness have the right to live fulfilling lives. She is driven to bring societies and communities together in supporting the management of mental health conditions by removing the stigma surrounding mental illnesses. In addition to her clinical work, she also conducts workshops to increase awareness of mental health conditions and to address the misconceptions that individuals with mental health issues often face within their communities.



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+6012 278 2906 (Mr. Mahandran)  +6014 228 0094 (Mr. Iswandi)


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